December 2005: "SUBSTANTIA INNOMINATA" is the brand new release-series from Drone Records.
We are proud to present this as a 10inch" VINYL series along with subsequent re-releases on CD. Different from the well-established Drone Records 7"inch series, this new series doesn't focus on a special concept or ideology regarding the music (use of drones, handmade cover-artwork, anti-commercialism, networking, etc.), but on a certain theme.
The theme for this 10" series is based on "The Un-known, The Un-nameable, The Un-speakable, The Un-thinkable", etc.: Various aspects related to "The Unknown". Basically the grey matter (psychic or physical, which are bound to result the same) surrounding us / within us, but can't be understood or recognized through the normal senses (though some may perceive it on a subconscious level). We could name it "The Unconscious".
The chosen name for this series, "Substantia Innominata", was inspired to the fact that this Latin name represents a certain region of the brain which has unknown functions and remains a mystery for its role and existence. Therefore this name reflects well the intense fascination for this impalpable concept of "the unknown".
The invited artists for this series were asked to work around this theme, to let themselves be inspired by its abstraction. The artwork for this series will be created by the various visual & graphic artists. All in full-colour or silkscreen covers. The 10inch vinyl pressings will come in an edition of 500 copies for each title.
We are proud to present this as a 10inch" VINYL series along with subsequent re-releases on CD. Different from the well-established Drone Records 7"inch series, this new series doesn't focus on a special concept or ideology regarding the music (use of drones, handmade cover-artwork, anti-commercialism, networking, etc.), but on a certain theme.
The theme for this 10" series is based on "The Un-known, The Un-nameable, The Un-speakable, The Un-thinkable", etc.: Various aspects related to "The Unknown". Basically the grey matter (psychic or physical, which are bound to result the same) surrounding us / within us, but can't be understood or recognized through the normal senses (though some may perceive it on a subconscious level). We could name it "The Unconscious".
The chosen name for this series, "Substantia Innominata", was inspired to the fact that this Latin name represents a certain region of the brain which has unknown functions and remains a mystery for its role and existence. Therefore this name reflects well the intense fascination for this impalpable concept of "the unknown".
The invited artists for this series were asked to work around this theme, to let themselves be inspired by its abstraction. The artwork for this series will be created by the various visual & graphic artists. All in full-colour or silkscreen covers. The 10inch vinyl pressings will come in an edition of 500 copies for each title.
SUBSTANTIA INNOMINATA ist eine neue 10"-Vinyl-Serie von Drone Records mit neuem Konzept.
Mit "Unbenannter Substanz" ist das "Unbekannte, Un-erkennbare, Unergründliche, Un-Identifizierbare" gemeint, das hier als Inspiration und Themenfokus für die Künstler (akustisch wie visuell) dienen soll.
Das was über unsere Wahrnehmung hinausgeht oder vielleicht nur unbewusst wahrgenommen werden kann.
Das was man nicht denken kann. Das Unbekannte in uns und ausserhalb unser erkennbaren, gewohnten Welt.